Semi analog TDC. L Foundry 110 nm technologyThis design was also produced with UMC110 technology. The production with LF110 technology, however, yields better results and this one is discussed in this talk..
Fully analog TDC. (Not discussed today.)
Fully digital TDC
Fast inverters. 21 in total.
Ring is digitally sampled.
Working principle
START and STOP at low level. The ring is open; no oscillation.
START changes to high. The ring is closed; begins to oscillate.
The counter counts number of full loops.
STOP changes to high. The state of the system is registered by the flip-flops and the counter.
Semi analog TDC
Slower inverters with special design. 9 inverters in total.
Ring is sampled in an analog way.
Working principle
START and STOP at low level. Ring does not oscillate.
START changes to high. The ring starts to oscillate (it is properly initialized, not shown in the block diagram).
The counter counts the number of full loops.
STOP changes to high. The inverters are "analogly frozen" in whatever state they were. The one inverter that was commuting is frozen in an intermediate state.
Summary of the two designs
We can view each TDC as a black box:
Test setup
A specialized test setup was assembled.
Raspberri Pi: Automates measurement routines.
FPGA: Controls hardware.
Delay module: Produces START and STOP signals with arbitrary time difference (-10 to 10 ns in steps of about 1 ps) .
A picture of the setup (human not shown 😁):
Fully digital TDC
The time $\Delta t = t_\text{START} - t_\text{STOP}$ was measured with the TDC many times, with different values of $\Delta t$, to get enough statistics.
For each $\Delta t$ the output of the TDC was recorded.
Raw data shown in the histogram below.
The notation is COUNT[:]|INV[:].
Distribution: Uniform with small tails.
Time resolution
We can think of this as an imperfect ruler:
The "ruler" is "dense", i.e. there are no empty gaps.
For each bin in this "imperfect ruler" (i.e. for each output of our TDC) we can define its own resolution.
Distributions tend to be uniform.
In view of this, I will look at the following quantities:
Standard deviation $\sigma$.
Width of the distribution measured as $q_{95\text{ %}} - q_{5\text{ %}}$ where $q_x$ is the $x$ percent quantile.
Mean time of each output
Linear (as expected).
Dispersion of each output
This plot shows $\sigma$ and $q_{95\text{ %}} - q_{5\text{ %}}$ together.
Moving averages increase for higher times. Expected because fluctuations in propagation delay of inverters are accumulative.
Time resolution of the fully digital TDC
Let's see the distribution of the temporal dispersion of the outputs:
Temporal resolution for this TDC:
Using $q_{95\text{ %}} - q_{5\text{ %}}$ (i.e. "full width"):
All widths are $\lt 60 \text{ ps}$.
"Typical value" of $30 \text{ ps}$.
Using $\sigma$ (standard deviation):
All $\sigma$'s are $\lt 20 \text{ ps}$.
"Typical value" of $10 \text{ ps}$.
Semi analog TDC
Raw data looks like this:
The counter counts each falling edge of INV[8].
INV[8] has different amplitude due to the counter input impedance.
Let's normalize all the INV[:] signals and invert the odd ones:
Now we digitize them with a "low resolution ADC":
Digitized INV[:] now looks like this:
1 bit (two levels): INV[:] bus will look like: 000011111.
2 bit (four levels): INV[:] bus will look like: 000123333.
3 bit (eight levels): INV[:] bus will look like: 001234567.
This procedure on real data:
1 bit
2 bit
3 bit
Time resolution
Repeat the same analysis as for the "fully digital" varying the number of discrete levels.
q95 % - q5 %
Standard deviation
Degradation of time resolution as time goes by; again expected due to the accumulative fluctuations in propagation delay.
Time resolution improves by adding bits ✅.
Temporal resolution for this TDC:
Using $q_{95\text{ %}} - q_{5\text{ %}}$ (i.e. "full width"):
1 bit: $\lesssim 70 \text{ ps}$.
2 bit: $\lesssim 40 \text{ ps}$.
3 bit: $\lesssim 30 \text{ ps}$.
Using $\sigma$ (standard deviation):
1 bit: $\lesssim 40 \text{ ps}$.
2 bit: $\lesssim 20 \text{ ps}$.
3 bit: $\lesssim 10 \text{ ps}$.
Required space in the pixels
Reference pixel of 50×50 µm2:
Fully digital TDC
Current implementation:
21 inverters and 7 bits counter.
Up to $\approx 150 \text{ ns}$.
Does not fit in a 50×50 µm2 pixel.
Semi analog TDC
Current implementation:
9 inverters and 5 bits counter.
Up to $\approx 100 \text{ ns}$.
Fits fine in a 50×50 µm2 pixel.
Will require more complicated readout logic, however this is in the periphery.
Further perspectives
An analog front end circuit was designed and produced, though not yet tested.
Projected prototype:
Pixel size: 100×100 µm2.
30×30 pixels.
Interface it with real TI-LGAD sensors (in production).
Two TDC designs were produced, tested and studied:
Fully digital TDC: Fast inverters, digital readout.
Semi analog TDC: Slower inverters, semi-analog readout.
Their performance was studied.
Fully digital TDC: $\lesssim 60 \text{ ps}$ "full width" time resolution, $\sigma \lesssim 20\text{ ps}$.
Semi analog TDC: $\lesssim 30 \text{ ps}$ "full width" time resolution, $\sigma \lesssim 10\text{ ps}$.
Semi analog design fits well in 50×50 µm2 pixel.
Power consumption and radiation hardness studies are pending.
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